the lonely boy slowly slipped away
the lonely boy slowly slipped away against all things refined,
awakening then one morning to find the sound of his own breath
echoing off the mountains his self-squalor has adorned.
such walls the lonely boy had created by sheer hard-headedness
and earnestness of will. obliging that which he has for so long
forgotten to know, the lonely boy grew into a lonelier young man;
though, in spite of himself, he scaled hitherto indivisible bounds.
always are the seasons going;
alone in one’s kingdom
one forever remains.
though it feels many lifetimes have fallen away, the lonely
boy, now man, defies such resignations; instead to dance
amongst the chivalry of his morality's shortcomings, but
the echoes beckon to oneself
to stay, so
one becomes what one would have